Guest Activities

Jatiluhur Lake
Jatiluhur Dam was designed by Coyne et Bellier and was constructed between 1957 and 1965 while the power station become operational in 1967. The dam serves several purposes including the provision of hydroelectric power generation, water supply, flood control, irrigation and aquaculture
The Jatiluhur Dam is a multi-purpose embankment dam on the Citarum River in West Java, Indonesia. It is located 70 km (43 mi) east of Jakarta, close to the medium-size town of Purwakarta.

Sri Baduga Fountain Park
Sri Baduga Fountain Park or Air Mancur Taman Sri Baduga is a 4 hectar fountain in the Purwakarta of West Java in Indonesia.

Bale Panyawangan Diorama Nusantara
Bale Panyawangan Diorama Nusantara is a tourist destination of Indonesian history. The museum has a large collection of historical literature, videos and photos.

Tajug Gede Mosque
Tajug Gede Mosque is a new icon for Purwakarta. This mosque was built in 2017 and located on 10 hectares area. This gigantic and beautiful mosque has become one religious tourism site that must be visited once you visit the city.

Plered Ceramic Village
Plered is one of the districts in Purwakarta regency in West Java that also includes the old towns of Cirata, Gandasoli and Citalang. The history of Plered has always been associated with ceramics and dates back to the Neolithic period when people used to visit the Cirata area along the Citarum River. Archeological excavations around Cirata revealed artifacts that have included stones, square shaped axes, farming tools, clay pots and a panjunan (or ajun), a ceramics workshop.

Wayang Purwakarta Gallery
Wayang Purwakarta Gallery provides various information about wayang history and wayang collection such as wayang kulit, wayang golek or mask of wayang orang.

Wisata Kuliner
Various traditional culinary at Karawang and Purwakarta area

Puncak Sempur
In Puncak Sempur you can see beautiful sunrise and sunset, as well as beautiful scenery.

Tanjung Baru Beach
Tanjung Baru beach is recommended tourism object at Karawang

Sian Djin Ku Poh Vihara
Sian Dijn Ku Poh Vihara was founded in 1770.

Jiwa Temple
Jiwa temple is a historical tourism object located at Karawang.
Jiwa temple is very unique and different with other temples. Jiwa temple was made by bricks instead of black rock.